→ Legal Advice
Website and Content
El Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya has its headquarters at 179, Carrer Pallars, 08005 de Barcelona, Spain, CIF G 64928245.
The website www.cercletecnologic.cat is the sole official website of the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya. It consists of informational content and assistance programmes or electronic forms that users may download to manage reservations for activities or conferences, as well as to process requests to become a member or adhere to the Cercle, and any other online process related to the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya. In this website, and in order to ensure the security of all communications, the HTTPS communication protocol is used (SSL).
In this website, the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya seeks to encourage public access to information related to its mission and vision, as well as its aims, making them readily available. Our aim is to strive for this information to be updated and exact, so that the Cercle reserves the right to update content of the website and eliminate it, as well as to limit it or impede access to it, whether temporally or definitively, with no previous notification. The information contained in this website is of a general nature, and does not refer to the specific circumstances of concrete individuals or organisms, except when expressly indicated otherwise.
The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya does not provide professional or legal counsel. If you seek to arrange a consultation of this nature, please address yourself to a duly qualified professional.
Exemption of Responsibility for Content
The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya provides no guarantee regarding possible errors accessing this website, in the site’s content or in the updated nature of them, despite investing considerable effort to avoid such errors and alter or correct them with maximum celerity, whenever they are brought to our attention.
The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya will not be held responsible in any way for content, information and images that do not proceed from its website, or are not administered by the Cercle, nor for the damages and effects that could be derived from the knowledge by third parties of user data and the use made of the website through this data, without in any way contradicting existing regulations.
In this way, the Cercle provides no guarantee that a document available online is the exact replica of an officially adopted text. The administrative information provided through this website does not substitute the legal publication of laws, general norms and the acts published formally in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya [Official Minutes of the Government of Catalonia] or in other corresponding official minutes or bulletins, whose printed publication is the sole vehicle by which their authenticity and content might be verified.
The Cercle is not responsible for information, opinions and concepts emitted, published or distributed through the website, or for any other interconnected website accessed through the Cercle website through links, or for any of the services connected or related to an interconnected website.
Conditions of Use and Function of the Website
Use of this website implies the condition of website User (the User herein) and implies the full acceptance, without reservations, of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, in the version published by the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya, from the very moment that the User accesses its webpage.
The website of the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya can be visited freely by all users, except for those areas reserved exclusively for members of the Cercle.
The User agrees to use the website, its content and its services in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice, with the specific conditions regarding certain services and other warnings, regulations of use and instructions offered for the information of the User. To this effect, the User must abstain from using any of the services indicated for aims or objectives of any illicit or prohibited nature, or for any action that might damage the rights and interests of third parties.
Exemption of Responsibility for the Use or Function of the Website
Responsibility for the use of information contained in the website pertains to the User. The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya is exempt from any responsibility for damages of any kind that could be derived from the access, capture or use, on the part of third parties, of the information and advertising contained in this website, and of the opinions provided by users in relation to it.
The User is the sole and exclusive individual responsible for the passwords and codes required to access the services and content of this website, consisting of the User name and the corresponding secret code or password. The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya will not be held responsible for the incorrect use of the identification and access codes, nor for consequences of any kind derived from the incorrect use of them on the part of Users, nor for the loss or misplacement of them, nor for incorrect use of them on the part of unauthorised third parties.
The Cercle provides its services and content on an ongoing basis, employing all technical means available to it in order to carry out this provision in a satisfactory manner. The Cercle cannot be held responsible for damages of any nature that might be derived from the availability and technical continuity of the webpage. In any case, the Cercle will carry out all actions required to re-establish its services in the case of technical difficulties.
Intellectual Property Rights
The content and graphic features that comprise the website www.cercletecnologic.cat and made available through it, belong exclusively to the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya and its authors. As such they are considered protected works under copyright, in accordance with Royal Ordinance 1/1996, of 12 April, by which the rewritten text of the Law of Intellectual Property was approved, with corresponding treatment provided in the application of signed international treaties in this area.
Regardless of all that has been stated previously, the reproduction of content of the Cercle webpage is authorised as long as the source is always mentioned, excepting when a contrary circumstance is indicated. In these cases, when it might be necessary to receive previous authorisation for the reproduction or use of textual data or multimedia data (sounds, images, programmes, and so on), this authorisation will invalidate the general authorisation previously detailed, and the possible restrictions of use will be clearly stipulated.
Under no circumstance will be authorised:
The presentation of a page of the website in a window that does not pertain to the Cercle, making use of framing.
The insertion of an image published on the website on a page that does not pertain to the Cercle, making use of inline linking.
The extraction of features of the webpage, causing damage to the Cercle in function of current provisions.
All distinctive marks, signs, logos and in general distinctive symbols of any nature that appear on the Cercle’s website are property of the Cercle and are protected by current applicable legislation.